Mais à quoi bon s’embélire si votre corps qui porte toutes ces mignardises n’est pas sain, et ne se porte pas bien?
Health is Wealth, Discover Longrich
It has been around for 30 years and is still making a mark in satisfying consumers with its wide range of quality products and bringing financial independence to many. Longrich is a top Chinese company in the cosmetic industry, with more than two thousand products in diverse categories including skin care, health care and household […]
Havaianasrose, le goût du Wax !
Le tissu pagne est confectionné sous forme de prêt à porter pour promouvoir la culture africaine, vulgariser le tissu pagne
Wearing A watch: The Basics!
Your watch, just like your jewelleries or perfume, is part of who you are and express better your personality, keeping you alert what time it is and how much time you got.
Floriane, une Beauty Coach dans l’Ame !
J’adore les accessoires, mais j’en ai rencontré une qui à elle seule est un accessoire en esthétique et cosmétologie. C’est fou de se visualiser une personne en accessoire, mais de manière objective, je pense qu’elle en est un! Elle c’est qui ? Elle c’est Fleur, c’est Ma Fleur ! Mais noooon ! On ne s’approprie pas des personnes et […]
The Love and Passion for Rare, Outstanding and Exciting Accessories!
Perfume, shoes, jewelries, cloths and all the niceties and pinkish little things adding a touch, a sparkle and glow to your look, but most of all that makes you unique and outstanding! The need to be different from others and always making a difference has always been one of the aspect of my character and identity.
Aromachology: The Influence of Fragrances and the Art to Choose a Perfume
Breathing a special blend of essential oils to wake up in a good mood, relax, remain calm, to sleep with a smile or recall good memories are things we do with perfumes. The influence of fragrances on our mood and behavior are undeniable.