Lady-T Shop, your Plug for Unique and Premium African Wears 

You know what? I really wish I could just let you all roll on with this interview! It is so amazing! I love stories and experiences fully packed with exciting and fabulous achievements by Africans in Africa and out of the continent. Now, what is happening??? Let me tell you! A few weeks back, I was looking at my figures on IG, checking who looked at my stories and all! I noticed a friend I have not heard from for a long time gazed! So I decided to check his profile! And one thing led to another, I discovered his sister has become a fashionpreneur and what she does is just exquisite and fabulous! Well, that is my opinion of course, but let me share what I discovered.  I could not help intruding and now I am forever grateful because I am that cat whose curiosity will never kill. Tina Nalova is her name and she is the Founder of Lady-T Shop, an online clothing shop merging Afro art and fashion.

T-shirts and Hoodies

 Thank you Tina for accepting to enlighten us on your work. Before we start, can you tell us what you do? Are you a fashion designer or you are a promoter of African talent and know-how through your shop? 
Thank you Mona, it is a pleasure speaking with you. Well, I can say I am a melange of both. I had a vision, and I brought my vision to life. My vision revolved around merging art and fashion and that is what my online clothing shop – Lady-T Shop represents. It is merging never-before-seen art, specifically created for my customers. It is art that tells a story, about African culture and heritage, and made into affordable clothing for Africans back home and in the diaspora. So, I can say, yes, I am some sort of a fashion designer but also a promoter of African talent.

Did you have any previous experience in fashion before setting up your own business?
(Thinking) Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a fashion fanatic. I do not spend hours shopping the latest trends and clothes, and worse still I dread dressing up haha, it is always a hassle because I always aim for comfort and simplicity.  So, no I have no previous experience, everything I know, I know from research, long nights of reading and watching “How to…” YouTube videos. Knowing this, one would wonder why I’d venture into the fashion world as a small business owner with no experience… well, it is simple… I had a vision, and that was to create simple, everyday clothing with messages powerful enough to have people stop, stare, and ask… “Where did you buy that…?”.

Tina Nalova, founder and owner

So tell us, how did it all start? What made you go into the fashion industry and set up your online shop?
It started as an idea in 2020, I wanted to be an entrepreneur… a small business owner. I took several months to brainstorm on my niche, what was unique about me? what made me stand out? Then it hit me… my story, was my niche. As an African woman from Yaoundé, Cameroon, I had struggled to stay connected to my culture and heritage as I travelled the globe, first living in England, UK and then moving permanently to Canada.
Feeling homesick or just feeling out of place, was very constant… so what helped? Music and food from back home… but also, clothing. I’d wear my Kaba, and tie my headscarf and I’d feel like I was back home in Cameroon, laughing and talking with my mum.
But I also realized the clothing that reminded me of back home was very colourful, and big, they also could not be worn in every season abroad. Also, I noticed, that a lot of African clothings worn abroad was quite similar in pattern and style.
I needed something unique, something that could not be found anywhere else and could never be replicated by another party without my consent. So, I created Lady-T Shop!
This shop features, everyday wear like T-Shirt, Hoodies, T-Tops etc, with barely embroidered never-before-seen African designs, created just for me by renowned painter and graphic designer Ndedi Asek. Each design celebrates the African man, the African Woman, Afro Love, and the African Heritage.
It is affordable, comfortable, and yet so unique, with each design having a story to share and be proud of.

Celebrating success is one thing but the other side of the bridge is not always pinkish. What are the challenges you have faced so far as an African fashionpreneur?
Wow! Your question just made me go down memory lane. I would say one of the challenges I faced was just launching my business. It was really difficult… because I did everything! From creating the website to creating the marketing and packaging materials, and also, promoting the launch on all social media platforms, packaging orders and mailing them all out.
I am a one-woman army! That gets hard. You break down, you cry, you question yourself, but above all, you need help. However, my shop is not big enough to have an employee or employees yet… so there is nothing I can do for now.
Also, it is hard to not only identify your niche but also have the niche purchase your products. So, some days I would go without sales, and sometimes that is scary… but you have to keep putting the brand out there and also keep networking.

African Woman Hoodies

Looking at your social media, you majorly concentrate on streetwear with an African touch. What inspires you?
I just want Africans and lovers of African culture and fashion in the diaspora and in Africa, to wear comfortable and unique never-before-seen clothing. That’s Lady-T Shop.

So, if you do not mind sharing your numbers, how has the market taken up your product? Especially the Cameroonian community?
Tina: My customers are mainly in the diaspora, especially in the US and Canada. Africans and not only Cameroonians have been purchasing our products, especially our bestseller -the AfroKeeng Collection, and then followed by the African Woman collection. I am hoping to have more collections in my home country, Cameroon, soon.

One Afrik Hoodies

Looking at importation which is one of the main challenges faced by African entrepreneurs on the continent and the diaspora, how do you manage to sell your products and compete with other brands, both local and international?
The competition is not only real, but it can be intimidating. I just keep being myself, and true to my brand. I know I have a unique brand and my customers can be rest assured that they are wearing something unique with a powerful story and messages. I do not try to compete; I try to have people fall in love with my vision and passion and that’s why I feel so happy when I see returning customers and referrals. It means they connected with me, my story, and my products.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a fashion designer or a fashion entrepreneur?
It takes time. Be Patient. Stay Strong. You’ve got this!

Last but not least, any future projects you wish to share with your followers and customers?
There will be many more surprises in the months ahead. Thank you all for the support. You have no idea what it means to me.

Thank you for your time, your story is really inspiring!
Tina: Thank you Mona, it was awesome speaking with you.😊

Lady-T Shop is located in Toronto Canada and ships to various countries. Check the shop’s website and purchase pieces of the various collections of hoodies, t-shirts, sweatshirts or tank tops. Do not hesitate to follow Lady-T shop on Facebook and Instagram for more trending designs and collections!

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