Adara, Impacting Creativity, Mentalities and Policies through Fashion and Arts

I love meeting fashionpreneurs! I love talking to them! It is so amazing when you are privileged (and yes, for me it is a privilege) to dive into their world, listen to their stories and learn from them. Henry Miller once said, « A destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things ». The internet has become an incredible tool or we can say a means to see the world without moving from one place to another. But had it been I did not go to Benin and made a post on it, I would have never found Adara. Oh, Adara, a refined and talented artist! He is in deed an artist through and through. We met him, not in person, but virtually! And we are sharing with you our rich and inspiring encounter! Read on!

Thank you for accepting to enlighten us on your work. Before we start, can you tell us more about who is behind ADARA • Art Creator and introduce this great concept?

« ADARA » is a creator brand, and I am defining myself as an Art Creator. Since I create pieces of art in categories other than fashion, I couldn’t label myself as just a fashion designer. Apart from fashion designing I sing, I write, I paint, and I’m an art director too. So ADARA is really like a gallery of all the art I produce.


Now, with more than 1000 followers, a great reputation and a huge fan base, how did it all start?

I feel like replying since birth. Art is a way of living to me. I could never be doing anything with my time, I would always look inside me or around me to do something or create something, or even unbuild something to master it and build it again. I always dedicated time to do what was important to me. So as a teenager, I was into hip-hop music as a young rapper, but then travelling to Tunisia made me discover new artistic horizons. So, I found out I was good at creating pieces of stuff with my hands and that’s finally how I launched my luxury couture creator brand in January 2017. Since then I’ve been mostly known as a fashion designer, but art is a very free way to express oneself and I cannot just contain myself in one category.

We’ve been following you on social media for a while now. You have this ability to move as a versatile artist. Fashion designer, musician, and art designer. How do you manage to wear all these hats at the same time?

The thing is, I don’t handle all these hats at the same time. It’s periodic. There are times the inspiration comes for writing,  at times it comes for creating designs, sometimes it comes for singing and at times it comes for painting. It comes in seasons. I wrote a poem about this:

Artiste de la vie
(Je suis un artiste, j’exprime la vie en moi
Parfois je me sens comme l’eau, et j’ai envie d’écrire. L’inspiration vient et les mots coulent comme des torrents.
Parfois je me sens comme le feu, et je peins des ailes enflammées pour apaiser Ada-Râ.
Parfois je me sens comme l’air, et je brode. Je tisse le destin à travers des cordes de perles.
Parfois je me sens comme la terre, et je me perds dans le jardinage, j’observe le cours de la vie à travers l’épanouissement des fleurs, et elles me chuchotent les secrets de la nature.
Et parfois je suis éther. En ces temps-là, je disparais.
Je m’élève vers les hautes montagnes tel un Hermite.
Je meurs, et me confond dans le tout. Je ne suis rien, ni personne.
Je n’existe plus, et c’est pourtant à ces moments-là que je prends vis en chacun de nous.)

Did you have any previous experience in fashion before setting up your own business?

Yes, I’ve been working in the industry for two years before launching the brand. And I’m really honoured and glad when looking back at the start because I made it with the greatest names of Tunisia luxury brands such as Maison Esther Maryline Couture and Ali Karoui Luxury Fashion. I could say they gave direction to my fashion orientation.

Knowing how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur in Africa, it is always a pleasure for us to see fashion entrepreneurs who have an impact on the African youth and the African community in general. Through your brand what are some of the achievements you have successfully carried out so far?

When I was in Tunisia, I was involved in a public conversation on Facebook where a Tunisian woman made use of violent racist and hate speech to my person. I used that situation to speak out against racism, and before the end of the day, it got viral. The next day I was contacted by the media, lawyers and the human rights association for support. I had the support of the Tunisian people in this matter. This happened during a time when the National Assembly was reviewing laws, so by the end of the week they wrote the very first law condemning racism in the country. It was just a very small first step because God knows how black people are mistreated in Tunisia, and it still going on unfortunately. People are still fighting for the right to be beautifully black.

Celebrating success is one thing but the other side of the bridge is not always pinkish. What are the challenges you have faced so far?

The biggest challenges came when I landed my brand in Cotonou Benin. I came up with something that isn’t a thing yet. Literally, I’ve been told my work was too expensive for the market. So, I’ve been considering new formulas to serve my designs. Then it also feels like starting everything from the bottom again but this time with experience.

Today, collaborations are the norm. Being a renowned fashion designer in your country and out of Benin, would you be willing to collaborate with upcoming brands or other young fashionpreneurs?

I am always looking for collaborations with different artists and creative minds whatever the kind of art involved.

As an artist as a whole, what would you like to bring as an impact to the fashion in your country and in Africa at large?

I want to see an African fashion that looks more like Africa. Made by Africans, in Africa and that values African culture.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a fashion designer or a fashion entrepreneur?

If art is your choice, then the only voice you have to listen to is your heart. No one else, not even the parents, and surely not the doubtful voice in your mind. Just follow your heart, the world needs more artists nowadays.

Last but not least, would you mind sharing some of your future projects with our readers?

In 2023, I feel like sharing more music. I have a single online, and new projects are upcoming. Listen to my latest track here:

Where can one find your creations or how can one get to wear your pieces?

Contact me on my various social media platforms:
Adara: • Instagram :
Facebook : ADARA • Art Creator
Tél/WhatsApp : +22951338008

Thank you for your time, your story is really inspiring!

Thank you very much!

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